Welcome to the Primary Care Collaborative across the North East of England and North Cumbria…

We serve a population of 3.2 million  across 5,313 square miles
We have approximately 2500 GPs, 1700 dentists, 1500 pharmacists and 800 optometrists working across our patch.  

We are a combined voice for dentistry, general practice, optometry, and pharmacy, working together to improve people’s health across the North East and North Cumbria.

We work together to solve problems, influence decisions, and share good ideas for the primary care workforce, for patients, and for our local partners inside and outside the NHS.


Women Colleagues gathered inside Conference Room
PCC governance framework

An overview of how we operate to act as the voice of primary care in

Newsletter Autumn 2024

Our latest in a series of regular, insightful, and informative newsletters.

Access all our resources through our Archive

Latest news and events

Save the date: Wednesday 2nd April 2025, Ramside Hall.

Save the date: Wednesday 2nd April 2025, Ramside Hall.

The first Primary Care Collaborative conference will take place on the morning of Wednesday 2nd April 2025 at Ramside Hall Hotel. The healthcare landscape is changing, and the challenges placed on primary care professionals are mounting. Challenging times call for effective leadership and a collaborative approach, to steer a route through Government reform, funding pressures,…

Optimising access to patient records: NCRS expansion pilot update 

Optimising access to patient records: NCRS expansion pilot update 

Efforts to improve patient experience and ensure seamless continuity of care are advancing through the initiation of a new pilot focused on expanding access to the National Care Records Service (NCRS). Led by the North of England Commissioning Support Unit (NECS) on behalf of the Primary Care Collaborative (PCC) and the North East and North…

“We want to hear directly from the people working on the ground—how does it feel, what’s working, and where are the challenges?”

“We want to hear directly from the people working on the ground—how does it feel, what’s working, and where are the challenges?”

In September 2024, North East and North Cumbria Integrated Care Board (ICB) published its five year Clinical Conditions Strategic Plan, outlining the organisation’s ambitious plans to help people living across the North East and North Cumbria to live longer, healthier lives. In a time of immense pressure on the NHS, this framework is designed to…

People on a Video Call

Connecting with each other

You, your views, and your interests are our main concern. We’re always ready to listen so drop us an email or join our informal WhatsApp group.