NHS Carol Service 2024 – Durham Cathedral

Join this year’s NHS Carol Service being held on Tuesday 17 December at Durham Cathedral, doors open at 6.45pm for the service at 7.30pm. Everyone is welcome to come along so please put the date in your diary.
The service provides an opportunity each year for colleagues, past and present, of all faiths and backgrounds, to come together in an event held in the magnificent surroundings of Durham Cathedral. You don’t need a ticket to attend, simply come along. Everyone from NHS organisations from across the region is invited, along with their family and friends. A BSL interpreter will also be in attendance.
Our NHS choir, brought together especially for this event, will help lead the celebrations for what promises to be a special festive evening. The service lasts approximately one hour.
On the day a collection will be held in aid of the Great North Air Ambulance. Due to the narrow streets there is no car park at Durham Cathedral, but there are car parks near to the cathedral and the centre is well-served by public transport. Durham County Council provides a list of nearby council and private car parks. The nearest private car park is Prince Bishops Car Park (DH1 3UJ), which is open until midnight.
The event is being organised for the first time by NHS North East and North Cumbria Integrated Care Board (ICB) on behalf of NHS organisations from across the region. Further information can be found on the ICB website.