Dr Natalie Crowe

Tell us about yourself.

I am a GP Partner at Thornfield Medical Group in Byker and have worked in Newcastle for the past 23 years in primary care. I have been the Clinical Director for the East Newcastle PCN for six years – our PCN covers 80,000 patients via seven practices. I am also Chair of the Board for Newcastle GP Services (NGPS), the city’s GP Federation, which works on behalf of the 28 GP practices and all PCNs within Newcastle.

What’s your role for the PCC?

My role as a committee member of the PCC is to help bring the views of PCN Clinical Directors to the table. I am actively involved in the NENC PCN CD Collaborative so feel well-placed to gather and share CD views from across our region with the PCC.

Why did you want to get involved? 

I have been lucky enough to experience the immense benefit of collaborative working locally in Newcastle both within general practice itself, and with other system health care partners. I am therefore keen to explore this on a larger footprint across our region and excited to see how the four pillars of primary care can work together and learn from each other.

What are your hopes for what the PCC might achieve?

I hope that the PCC can become a trusted and valued forum for exploring innovation and fostering trusted relationships amongst the four pillars of primary care, so that together we can all be stronger and work more effectively for our patients.