Happy 10th birthday to Newcastle’s GP Federation!

Ten years ago, in a Gosforth café, the first seeds for what would become Newcastle GP Services (NGPS) were planted. Since then, the GP Federation has provided a range of services for the people of Newcastle, working with a lot of fantastic organisations.
Services include an asylum seeker health provision, cervical screening, community health services delivered via a dedicated bus, Covid vaccines, out of hours GPs, a pharmacy hub, health research, social prescribing, student nurse training, and much, much more. Over the last year alone, NGPS has marked some impressive achievements:
- Provided an additional 4639 appointments in its Acute Respiratory Infection Hub, on Saturdays and by its Winter GP service.
- Seen more than 1000 patients on the Newcastle Community Health Bus, its partnership with the Newcastle University School of Pharmacy.
- Supported 20 research studies, across 19 practices, signing up more than 2000 interested patients for future research.
- Managed more than 3000 social prescribing referrals.
The PCC would like to congratulate NGPS on ten years of success and wish the federation many happy returns.
You can read more about NGPS’s more recent successes in its annual report, which was published in September.